
Since 2009, Irish Traditions Atlanta (ITA) has been granting financial awards to students of Irish music and song.  The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to qualified Irish traditional musicians or singers seeking to advance their skills by participating in Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCÉ) accredited Fleadh, classes and workshops or other Irish Traditions Atlanta (ITA) approved workshops, courses of study or learning opportunities.  In this way, ITA seeks to foster the development of local players of traditional Irish music and song.

Photo Collage of ITA Scholarhship Recipients 2020.jpg


The scholarships have been organized into 4 distinct awards:

1.     Candidates who are Under 15 years of age as of January 1 of the scholarship award year. The candidate should have demonstrated commitment to the music/singing and will profit from participation in workshops or competition to help their progression. 

2.     Candidates under 18 years of age as of January 1 of the scholarship award year.  Eligible candidates that have been recognized by high placement in organized competitions or performance in the previous year.   This award is intended to help offset costs for attending the All-Ireland competition, workshops, teacher fees, etc. that will allow the candidate to continue their progression.

3.     Candidate over 18 years of age as of January 1 of the scholarship award year.  This candidate may range from an adult who is early in their learning phase but has demonstrated commitment to the music/song by attending sessions on a regular basis to the candidate that has qualified for the All-Ireland competition or a Teacher of Irish music.  The scholarship award is intended to assist teachers in their development, support top musicians to pursue their development as competitors, performers and teachers, or to encourage adults to maintain and advance their music/song.

4.     Irish Traditions Ambassador Award was added to the scholarship program in 2013.  This additional scholarship is intended to advance the “diversity” of the community by supporting a musician or singer who is pursuing their skill in areas that increase the richness of the Irish musical culture in the greater Atlanta area.  The Board Chair of Irish Traditions Atlanta will make the recommendation of this optional scholarship to the Scholarship committee for approval each year from the same pool of eligible candidates.



All applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Applicant must be a minimum of 8 years old as of January 1st.

  2. Applicant must be a paid current member of Irish Traditions Atlanta.

  3. No financial need is required to qualify.

  4. Applicant must submit all required application information on time.

  5. Applicants may reapply; however, consideration will be given to candidates who have never received the scholarship.  No one may receive a 2nd award within a 4 year period. 

Application Information:

1.     Application form is available on the website and must be submitted by midnight of the due date listed on the website.  Please note for anyone under 18 a parent should complete the consent form portion of the application.  A digital photo is requested at the time of the application.

2.     A short letter completed by the applicant, to include:

  • A description of the event or competition.  Include the date and location of the event and detail the estimated expenses (transportation, hotel, entrants’ fee, etc.)

  • Why this specific event will help you grow as an Irish traditional musician/singer

  • What you hope to gain from the experience

  • How will you use your experience to promote Irish music in Atlanta

3.     A resume of your musical experience, to include:

  • Instruments you play and how long you have been playing Irish traditional music

  • Listing of prior and current teachers

  • Participation in organized competitions and any awards received, what year and where

  • Description of other major workshops attended, major performances, or other events that describe your musical background

  • A digital recording of the applicant’s solo (exception for accompaniment players such as guitar, piano, or bodhrán, who may submit a recording of them backing a melody player).  No more than 2 tunes, 5 minutes maximum run time.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted beginning December 1st for the following year. The DEADLINE is February 21st by midnight.